Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
Garvey School District
Welcome to Online Enrollment (for NEW Students)
To get started enrolling a new student click the Enroll a New Student button at the bottom of the screen.
If you are to resume an incomplete enrollment or you would like to reprint or review students previously enrolled, click the Login button.
Enroll NEW Students: https://air.garvey.k12.ca.us/
You must have a valid address within the Garvey School District boundaries to use this system. You must enroll for the assigned school even though you plan to apply for a permit for a preferred school. The online process typically takes 20-30 minutes. If you are unable to complete the process at one sitting, you may log out, and resume the process at a later time.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I enroll for next-year?
By February 10th, 2025, online enrollment will be available for the 2025-2026 school year.
Shall I enroll a student online if he/she will attend a school on permit?
If the student lives within the Garvey School District boundary, you must enroll him/her to the home/residence school based on the student's home address first. Then contact the District Office, Student Support Services at (626) 307-3427 or e-mail Venessa Marquez at <vmarquez@gesd.us> to apply for the required permit. If granted, the student data will automatically be transferred to the school on permit.
If the student lives outside of the Garvey School District boundary, you will need a permit granted by Garvey School District in order for him/her to attend a school here. Contact District Office, Student Support Services at (626) 307-3427 or e-mail Venessa Marquez at <vmarquez@gesd.us> for more information.
What do I do after completing the online data entry process?
Enrollment is completed at the school site. At your assigned school, you will be required to provide the following documents before completing the enrollment process.
New Student Enrollment Procedure
STEP 1: Student Information Data Entry
- To begin the process, click the Enroll a New Student button, The Year Selection will display. Select the year to register for and then click Next.
- Required Information: The Required Information screen will display. The parent can print out this screen for Required Information details. After reviewing the information, click Next.
- Create Account:
The next screen will allow the parent to create a new account and will require the parent's name, an e-mail address and password. After the Create Account button is selected, a Terms of Service screen will display.
Having read the terms, parents must check the "I agree" box and click the Next button to continue.
The Student's Name and Address information will now be required. After the information has been completed, click Next.
A drop down list will display with the closest address or street name that may be located in the District's map file. (Those parents/students living outside of the District but are interested in attending the schools of Garvey School District are encouraged to contact the District Office, Student Support Services directly.)
After clicking Next, the Account Created screen will display and an e-mail is being sent to the parent’s e-mail address. The parent should check his/her e-mails and identify that e-mail, which will include a link for the parent to click on for Account Authorization. That will display the New account e-mail verification. Click Next to continue the registration process.
- Student Information/Data:
The following screens will display in order and the parent may click Next or Previous to move between them. The parent may not move to next screen if information is not provided in some required fields: General Student Information, Language Information, Resident Parent Information, Out of State Contact Information (Optional), Restrained Individual, Local Physician Information, Emergency Contacts, Health Survey, Immunization Information, Other District Enrollments, and Authorizations.
(On the right side of the screen a Completed bar will display indicating how far along the parent is with the registration. The Finish later button may be used to save the student information. If chosen, the Parent may then sign back in at a later time with their e-mail address and password. It will display any student(s) that has (have) registration(s) pending. The Resume Registration button may be selected and the registration can be completed.)
- Registration Confirmation:
After all information has been entered, the Registration Confirmation screen will display. The registration information including student's name, Grade, etc. may only be changed by the school. Any information that shows an Edit button may be edited before the parent clicks the Finish and Submit button.
An e-mail will then be sent to the school to notify that a new student registration is ready to be reviewed. The Print button will print out a copy of the registration for the parent.
STEP 2: Student Data Confirmation
- You will see a message in yellow text against a blue bar across the screen: "You have not yet completed the Student Data Confirmation Process. Click here to confirm the information about your student."
- You will be directed to confirm selected information of the student. Click the CHANGE button (scroll down if the button is invisible) to start editing/updating the data. Parents must click SAVE to keep the changes. You will not see the change made on the mailing address saved right away; instead, the school will contact you afterwards to confirm the change.
- Below is the information that parents need to review, update/edit (as necessary), and confirm.
1. Student
Review and update mailing address and primary phone number as necessary. Add Father’s or mother’s work number if available. Update Parent Highest Education Level.
2. Contacts
Next click Contacts to confirm the emergency phone numbers and select the Change button. You may add additional contacts by clicking the Add button.
3. Medical History
In the Medical History section, check all the medical conditions that apply to the student and include appropriate comments; then click Save. (Should the student have any other medical condition and/or require timely attention by the school, you should contact the school immediately.)
4. Documents Review
Parents will need to review and/or accept documents listed under the Documents tab. Parent may download and save/print out those documents for reference.
5. Authorizations
Listed under Authorizations are parent's permissions (or prohibition) for students to participate in each of the programs. Parent's explicit consent is required to:
- Allow Student to Take Educational Field Trips (Field Trip Permission)
- Allow Student to Receive Emergency Treatment (In case of serious accident/illness - Emergency Card)
- Allow Student Photos/Videos on Printed Matter/Website (Waiver, Release)
6. Final Data Confirmation
To conclude the registration, click Final Data Confirmation and confirm the data you have reviewed or updated is accurate.
STEP 3: Parent Portal Account
- Once the newly enrolled student's information is imported to Garvey School District's student information system, parents will be receiving a student Identification (ID) number and Verification Password Code (VPC) from the school for them to create an Aeries Parent Portal account. That account will allow parents to confirm the student information, to register the student in subsequent years, and to access the student's attendance information and grades.
- To create an Aeries Parent Portal account, go to https://parent.garvey.k12.ca.us and click “Create New Account” to begin the process. Instructions on creating a parent portal account are accessible via the following link: Steps to Create Parent Portal Account
STEP 4: Supporting Documentation Verification
- To complete the enrollment of a new student in any school of Garvey School District, parents must make an appointment with the school of attendance and take the following documents to the school for the latter to review: